Sunday, 2 December 2012

Mother Teresa Women’s University Openings Assistant Professor Vacancy

Organization Name Mother Teresa Women’s University
Jobs Details
Application are invited for the Posts of Assistant Professor in Mother Teresa Women’s University.
Post Name Assistant Professor
Masters Degree in any discipline with not less than 50% of marks , M.Ed. Special Education (Mentally Retardation) with not less than 55% of marks or an equivalent grade of B in 7 point scale. (OR) An equivalent degree from a foreign University recognized by RCI. Desirable Additional Qualification : a) Ph.D/M.Phil in Education with research emphasis on Special Education/NET/SLET in Education. b) Experience for a period of at least 3 years as teacher or researcher in the area of specific disability. (OR) Three years of teaching experience at Diploma level.
Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100/-
No of Post: 02 Posts.
Age Limit: Not Specified
Location: Tamil Nadu
Last Date: 10-12-2012
How to Apply : Candidates should apply in the prescribed application format. i) Candidates should send their filled-in applications in Eight Copies (Three copies with complete enclosures and five copies without enclosures). ii) Separate applications are to be submitted for each post. iii) Candidates should enclose the attested photocopies of the certificates for the proof of their age, educational qualifications experience etc. applications should be sent to Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal -624 102. Last date of submission of application is 10/12/2012.
For More Information