Tuesday, 13 November 2012

West Bengal PSC Openings West Bengal Civil Service Examination Vacancy

Organization Name West Bengal PSC
Jobs Details
Application are invited for the Posts of West Bengal Civil Service Examination in West Bengal PSC.
Post Name West Bengal Civil Service Examination
A degree of a recognized University.(ii) Ability to read, write and speak Bengali (not required for recruitment in the case of candidates from hill areas of the district of Darjeeling, i.e. for Nepali speaking candidates).
Pay Scale: Rs.12270-21000/-
No of Post: Not Specified
Age Limit: 21-32 Years.
Location: West Bengal
Last Date: 30-11-2012
How to Apply : Applications along with (i) I.P.O./Treasury Challan, in original, for Rs.210/- only (for candidates other than SC/ST of West Bengal and for candidates having physical disabilities of 40% and above), (ii) One copy of recent passport size photograph signed by the candidate and pasted on the application (An identical copy of the photograph will be required for pasting on the Attendance Sheet to be sent by this office along with the Admit Card), (iii) Photocopies of certificates of age, prescribed educational qualification and other documents in support of the claim for having SC/ST/BC and Persons with Disabilities (40% and above) status from competent authority, if applicable, either self-certified or duly attested by a Group-’A’ Officer of Central/State Government or Head of a recognised Secondary School or College and (iv) Two self-addressed unstamped envelopes may be submitted either personally between 11-00 a.m. & 3-30 p.m. on all working days at the Enquiry Counter of the Commission’s Office at 161-A, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 026 or strictly by registered or speed post or under certificate of posting addressed to the Deputy Secretary (Examination), Public Service Commission, West Bengal at the same address. The envelope containing application must be superscribed with (i) advertisement no., (ii) the name of the Examination and (iii) the name of the Examination Centre opted. Applications received after the closing date shall be rejected. The application form shall be filled in candidate’s own handwriting in blue/black ink and signed by him/her. Closing date for receipt of application- 30th November, 2012.