Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Sarkari Naukri - CRPF Openings Assistant Sub-Inspect & Head Constable Vacancy

Organization Name Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
Jobs Details
Application are invited for the Posts of ASI, Head Constable in Directorate General, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF).
Post Name
Assistant Sub-Inspector (Stenographer Grade-III) / Head Constable (Ministerial)
Qualified in (10+2/equivalent examination with Math's & Physics and at least one of these subjects, Chemistry/Biology/Computer Science.
No of Post: Head Constable (Ministerial) – 895 / Assistant Sub-Inspector (Stenographer Grade-III) – 245
Age Limit: 18-25 years as on 19/12/2012.
Location: New Delhi
Last Date: 19-12-2012
How to Apply :  Application fee of Rs. 30/- in the form of Indian Postal Order duly crossed/ Demand Draft/ Banker’s Cheque in favour of DIG, Group Centre, CRPF of concerned Application Receiving Centres identified for their respective States  be sent by General and OBC candidates along with the application form. No application fee is required to be paid by SC/ST candidates, Ex-Servicemen and Mahila candidates. Eligible and desirous candidates, who fulfill eligibility conditions, may send their application in the prescribed proforma duly typed or neatly hand written and filled up in all respects on full-scap paper, affixing latest passport size photograph duly attested on application at the space prescribed for the purpose and two self addressed envelops of 4” x 9” size with Rs. 22/- postage stamps affixed thereon, to the DIG, Group Centre, CRPF of concerned Applications Receiving Centres as mentioned in detailed advt. on or before the last prescribed date i.e. 19/12/2012.
How to Apply : The application shall be submitted online by 26/11/2012 to 03/12/2012.
For More Information