Sunday, 4 November 2012

North Central Railway Openings Group ‘C’ Categories Vacancy

Organization Name North Central Railway
Jobs Details
Application are invited for the Posts of Group ‘C’ Categories in North Central Railway.
Post Name Group ‘C’ Categories
Candidate should have minimum qualification of matriculation or equivalent examination  passed with 50 % aggregate or higher qualification from any recognized Board/University. The condition of 50% marks is not applicable for those with higher qualification. Possession of degree/diploma certificate in specified stream from Government recognized  institution for which notification issued. Experience in the field and performances given on AIR/Doordarshan etc.Prizes at national level.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200/-
No of Post: 02 Posts.
Age Limit: 18-30 Years.
Location: Allahabad
Last Date: 09-11-2012
How to Apply : Application shall be submitted on A-4 size quality white paper and should be in conformity with  the prescribed format . Candidates are advised to ensure that the application is legible,  written in their own handwriting (English/Hindi) only one side of the paper, dated and signed. Use only international numerals (1, 2, 3, etc). The candidate must put his/her normal (English/Hindi) signature in running script on the application form at specified place. Thump impression must be given on prescribed place. The application complete in all respect along with all the enclosures duly attached by whom should be sent in a cover addressed to the Asstt. Personnel Officer/Recruitment, Railway Recruitment Cell, North Central Railway, Nawab Yusuf Road, Valmiki Chauraha, Allahabad (U.P) Pin Code –211001 on any working day (Monday to Friday) between 09.30 hrs to 18.00 hrs before closing date. Application should be sent by ordinary post or drop in box kept in this office. Application sent by registered post/courier or speed post will not be acknowledged. The envelope containing the application should clearly be super-scribed as “Application for Recruitment against Cultural Quota for the year 2012-13”. Closing date: 09.11.2012 up to 18.00 hrs.
For More Information