Thursday, 8 November 2012

M S Swaminathan Research Foundation Openings Social Scientist Vacancy

Organization Name M S Swaminathan Research Foundation
Jobs Details
Application are invited for the Posts of Social Scientist in M S Swaminathan Research Foundation.
Post Name Social Scientist
Master’s degree in social sciences (Sociology, Anthropology, Gender Studies, Women’s studies, Social Work,  Rural Development, Rural Management  etc.), A minimum of three years’ experience in implementing field level programmes and gender related work in agriculture and Natural Resource Management will be an added advantage, Working knowledge of Results-Based Management orientation and practices, Good analytical, writing and research skills, Ability to establish and maintain working relationships with interdisciplinary team members and partners.
Pay Scale: Rs.32000/- PM (Consolidated).
No of Post: Not Specified
Age Limit: Not Specified
Location: Chennai
Last Date: 20-11-2012
How to Apply : Candidates should include full bio data providing complete academic record from SSLC, stating areas of specialization, academic achievement, nature and duration of experience, full address and telephone number of two most recent employers, last pay drawn, names and addresses of two referees who have close familiarity with the professional strength and character of the candidate, current address, recent photo, telephone and e-mail ID and  must clearly indicate ‘Community Organiser’ with Job code to send  by post to The General Manager, M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Third Cross Street, Institutional Area, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 (or) by e-mail to on or before 20th November 2012
For More Information