Wednesday, 17 October 2012

South Eastern Railway Openings Scout & Guides Quota Vacancy

Organization Name :South Eastern Railway
Application are invited for the Posts of Scout & Guides Quota in South Eastern Railway.
Post Details 1. Group-`C` …….. 2 Post
Scale of Pay: Rs. 5,200-20,200+6,600/-. Age: 18-30 Years
2. Group-`D` ……..10 Posts
Scale of Pay: Rs. 5,200-20,200+6,600/- Age: 18-33 Years
Location: All India
Last Date: 06.11.2012
How to Apply : The format of application given at Annexure-1 should be neatly typed or handwritten either in English or Hindi on A-4 size paper with one passport size recent photograph (without coloured glasses/sunglass/cap on the head), duly signed on the top by the candidate and attested by the Gazetted Officer should be pasted at the specified space on the application form.Examination fee for unreserved and OBC candidates is Rs.40/- (Rupees forty only). Candidates belonging to SC/ST, PWD (PH) & Women, Minority Communities and Economically Backward Classes/Sections are exempted from payment of examination fee.
For More Information,4,424,815