Organization Name | Jharkhand High Court |
Jobs Details | Application are invited for the Posts of Assistant, Cashier, Assistant Librarian in Jharkhand High Court. |
Post Name | Assistant |
Qualifications |
Graduate from recognized University
having knowledge of working on computers with sound knowledge of Typing in
No of Post: Not Specific
Age Limit: 18-35 Years.
Location: Jharkhand
Last Date: 09-11-2012
How to Apply : Bank Draft of Rs.500/-(Five Hundred only) for
General category, E.B.C. (Schedule I), B.C. (Schedule II) and Rs. 125/- (OneHundred
twenty five only) for S.C and S.T. category, drawn on any NationalizedBank
payable at Ranchi in favour of Registrar General, Jharkhand High Court,Ranchi,
towards the payment of examination fee. Candidates should submit separate
application for each post in the prescribed format,to the Registrar General,
Jharkhand High Court, Ranchi by Registered post/Speed post only. The last date
for receipt of application is 09.11.2012.On the envelope containing the
application form the words “Application for the post of________________ Post
Code _____must be inscribed.For More Information